Monday, July 13, 2020

Global Aquaculture: "Four possible scenarios"

From The Fish Site, July 13:

Aquatic chickens or blue internationalism?
Four possible scenarios for the development of global aquaculture have been suggested in a thought-provoking new study.
Led by Jessica Gephart, an environmental science professor at American University, the study discusses four different outcomes for the evolution of aquaculture against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Two dimensions of economic development – the degree of globalization and the predominant economic development philosophy – bound four scenarios representing systems that are either localized or globalized, and orientated toward maximizing sectoral economic growth or to meeting environmental and equity dimensions of sustainability. The potential contribution of aquaculture in improving nutrition security is then evaluated within each scenario,” the authors explain.

Aquatic chickens?
The study offers four distinct future scenarios, each with its own label. "Aquatic chicken" refers to boundless growth in a globalized world; "aqua-nationalism" is a growth-first, nationalistic approach; "food sovereignty" refers to a localised approach; and "blue Internationalism" to a form of sustainable growth in a globalised world....
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