"China Issues New Plan to Address Aging Population"
No, not the coronavirus.
Although, thinking about it, one of the updates that Global Times is putting out read:
1:23 am Feb 5 The average age of patients died of novel coronavirus infection in epicenter Wuhan is 68, while average age of confirmed cases is younger in other places.
Our story is from the U.S. Army's Mad Scientist Laboratory [still not the coronavirus but...]:
[Editor’s Note: Today’s post, excerpted from this month’s OE Watch,
addresses China’s new plan to redress its most pressing socio-economic
predicament — a declining population of working age citizens (the legacy
of its national “One-Child Policy”) who must simultaneously care for an
aging population while trying to stem a decline in real economic growth (down from a high of 14.3% in 2007 to a reported 6.1% last year). As previous guest bloggers Collin Meisel and Dr. Jonathan D. Moyer, from the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, have observed in On Hype and Hyperwar,
how our near-peer adversary tackles this persistent, declining trend is
just as relevant to future warfighters preparing for competition and
conflict in the operational environment as isartificial intelligence,quantum computing, or any other potential game changing technology. How China resolves this issue will determine if it will surpass Russia as our most capable threat in the latter half of the Era of Accelerated Human Progress(now through 2035) — Read on!] China Population Pyramid – 2018 / Source: The World Factbook, CIA,https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ch.htmlChina’s government is issuing a new plan to address population aging.
While many countries’ population growth have begun to slow down,
China’s aging is on track to be particularly dramatic. In 2016, over 230
million Chinese were over 60, and that number is expected to rise to
487 million (35% of the population) by 2055. As explained in the
translated readout of the new Plan, the Chinese Communist Party and
State Council view population aging as having a direct impact on every
aspect of the Chinese economy and China’s “comprehensive national
power.” The plan sets deadlines for developing a framework for dealing
with population aging by 2022, instituting the policies by 2035, and
having complete and mature policies in place by 2050.
Despite strong economic growth since the 1980s, China’s government
and economy will likely have trouble when faced with slowing growth and
rising healthcare and pension costs. China’s total debt ratio to GDP hit
a record high in the summer of 2019, topping 300 percent for the first
time, a consequence of lending that helped fuel its economic growth. “Please
for the sake of your country, use birth control” — Government sign
found in Nanchang (Tangshan Village, De’an County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi) /
Source: China One Child Policy, by Lori Scott via Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 GenericChina loosened the One-Child Policy in January 2016, but the new
two-child policy and financial incentives appear to have limited
success. High costs of living, and pressure from educational and work
cultures and other factors have disincentivized new parents from having
multiple children, so the Chinese government will have to take steps to
avoid further problems.
The Plan, therefore, lays out five areas of action: First, social
security funds for retirees are to be consolidated and expanded. Second,
promote more effective pre-natal screening and education to create a
high-quality population. Third, create a high-quality system of services
and products for the elderly, with an emphasis on better health care,
including preventative care. Fourth, refocus scientific and
technological development to address population-aging related issues.
The fifth section notes that additional work is needed to ensure legal
frameworks to protect the elderly, which have increasingly been the
target of various scams and other crimes in China. As emphasized in the
fourth directive, Chinese leaders understand that population aging will
have a significant impact on the economy. While the service industry now
makes up over 50 percent of the economy, many sectors will likely see
shortfalls in workers, requiring prompt investment in automation and
other smart technologies to increase productivity while reducing
reliance on workers. Educating the workforce, and reforms to the
mandatory retirement age could allow workers to defer retirement. China’s Belt and Road Initiative / Source: Lommes via Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 InternationalInterestingly, the article ends with a note that China plans to use international cooperative agreements, particularly theBelt and Road Initiative
to help address population aging. While this includes cooperation in
scientific studies and sharing lessons on effective policies, it is
possible that China may seek to encourage migration to help reduce the
domestic burden of the elderly—something that appears to be happening
informally already. End OE Watch Commentary (Peter Wood)....