Saturday, July 1, 2023

"Shocking Study: Humans’ Ancestors Lived Among Dinosaurs and Survived Asteroid Strike"

 No, not Weekly World News:

Rather, this is from the University of Bristol via SciTechDaily, July 1:

An in-depth analysis of the fossil record by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Fribourg has suggested that placental mammals, a group that includes species like humans, dogs, and bats, evolved during the Cretaceous period, co-existing briefly with dinosaurs before their extinction. (Unlike this artist’s depiction, the earliest placental mammals are thought to have resembled tiny chipmunks.)

A Cretaceous origin for placental mammals, the group that includes humans, dogs, and bats, has been revealed by in-depth analysis of the fossil record, showing they co-existed with dinosaurs for a short time before the dinosaurs went extinct....