Sunday, July 19, 2020

WHO calls for help in fight against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

This link was posted last night and somehow disappeared, so once more unto the breach.
There are a lot of viruses without vaccines.
From UPI, July 17:
As the world grapples with a deepening coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization has called for international support in its fight against a growing Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"We must not let COVID-19 distract us from tackling other pressing threats," Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO's regional director for Africa, said Thursday in a statement.

The WHO said that since the outbreak was declared on June 1, there have been 56 cases of the deadly disease in the northwestern province of Equateur, 53 of which have been confirmed.

The number of cases surpasses the 54 recorded during the province's previous Ebola outbreak from May to July of 2018, Moeti said....