Tuesday, July 14, 2020

"French Revolution: remains discovered in walls of Paris monument"

This will be our Bastille Day bookend to this earlier story of the food scarcity beginnings of the revolution: "Change of Climate and the French Revolution 1789".
From The Guardian, June 28, 2020:
Experts believe up to 500 people guillotined in period may be buried in Chapelle Expiatoire
Experts believe the remains of up to 500 people guillotined during the French Revolution may be buried in the walls of a listed monument in Paris.

The discovery blows apart the accepted historical account, which suggests the bodies of famous guillotinĂ©s, including Louis XV’s mistress Madame du Barry, Olympe de Gouges and Maximilien Robespierre, revolutionary architect of the Reign of Terror, were moved to the network of catacombs under the city.

Now researchers are to examine the walls of the Chapelle Expiatoire, a classified monument near the Grands Boulevards dedicated to King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, after the discovery of bones in the wall cavities.

Aymeric Peniguet de Stoutz, the chapel’s administrator, turned historical detective after he noticed curious anomalies in the walls between the columns of the lower chapel. Anxious not to damage the building’s foundations, the French authorities called in an archaeologist, who inserted a camera through the stones in the walls....

Keep an eye peeled for Jacobins forming a Committee of Public Safety.