Sunday, February 2, 2020

Shipping: Japanese Major, NYK on Ammonia As Fuel

I think you'd consider NYK a major. Their ONE joint venture is the world's 6th largest container line and like the other Japanese line we follow, MOL—which is definitely a major, has hundreds of ships in specialties beyond containers, 401 bulkers, 118 car carriers, 85 LNG carriers etc.
From Hellenic Shipping News, February 3:
At the first symposium of the Green Ammonia Consortium (GAC)* on January 22, NYK presented its approach of using ammonia as marine fuel for zero-emission ships.

Ammonia does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2) when it is heated and would thus be expected to contribute to the effort to address global warming. NYK is participating in the consortium to consider not only the maritime transport of ammonia as a power generation fuel used by electric power companies but also the use of ammonia as marine fuel, one of the solutions for decarbonization.

At the symposium, lectures were segmented into four fields in which CO2-free ammonia** could be used — production, technology, demand, and regulation. NYK, on the demand side, made a presentation introducing ammonia as marine fuel from both the technical and operational side....MORE
Here's NYK's Staying ahead 2022