Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"French Hydrogen Lobby Seeks $12 Billion in Aid to Boost Use"

I hope long-suffering reader didn't think all our posting on hydrogen was for grins and giggles.
There is real money in play here, and using our low I.Q. approach to investing, the thing to do is identify a waterfall of money, go sit next to it, and savor the refreshing splashes that come your way.

From Bloomberg's Green Daily newsletter:
France needs 10.35 billion euros ($12 billion) in hydrogen subsidies over the next decade to kick-start large-scale demand and production of the carbon-free fuel, a lobby group said.
The proposal comes as the French government prepares an economic stimulus package, which will include help for the energy transition and for hydrogen use. Countries around the world are advocating cleaner fuels, and hydrogen is gaining popularity because it doesn’t emit any carbon.

“Hydrogen is ticking all the boxes -- the fight against climate change, air quality and an opportunity to gain industrial leadership,” said Philippe Boucly, chairman of French hydrogen trade body, Afhypac. “If we miss that train, others will take it all.”

Germany and the European Union have presented plans to massively drive down the cost of producing hydrogen by electrolyzing water. The process is cleaner than extracting it from carbon-emitting natural gas, but is currently more expensive.
Hydrogen, which has been used for decades by oil refiners and chemical makers, can be instantly converted into power via so-called fuel cells that emits just vapor in the process, providing a possible alternative to batteries.

Industry Backing
French gas giants Engie SA and Air Liquide SA, electrolyzer maker McPhy Energy SA, and car-part manufacturer Faurecia SE -- which has a stake in a fuel-cell company -- are among those advocating for a greater use of hydrogen....

We looked at French hydrogen a few times  with one of the more interesting companies being Faurecia:
FrenchTech: "Hyundai opts for Faurecia systems for fuel cell trucks"

And in particular Faurecia's joint venture with Michelin called Symbio:
December 23: 
Hydrogen: Michelin—Faurecia Joint Venture To Establish Europe's Largest Fuel Cell Plant in Lyon
From New Mobility News:
In March next year, French automotive suppliers Michelin and Faurecia are laying the first foundation stone of what has to become ‘Europe’s biggest factory for fuel cells’ near Lyon. With their joint-venture Symbio, they want to catch 25% of the world market by 2030, good for 1,5 billion euros turnover.

More details about the new factory and its exact location aren’t revealed yet. But the plans are ambitious, as Michelin and Faurecia envision two more factories, one in Asia, and one in the US.
Today, Symbio is based in Grenoble (France), where it employs around 200 people. As a start, Michelin and Faurecia injected 140 million euros in the development of a new generation of fuel cells on hydrogen....MORE
January 9 
Meanwhile in France: "Hydrogène: Symbio choisit la métropole de Lyon pour implanter son usine de production"
I know we posted on this in December with "Hydrogen: Michelin—Faurecia Joint Venture To Establish Europe's Largest Fuel Cell Plant in Lyon" but I don't think we communicated what a big deal this is. So here's La Tribune December 19:
Symbio, la nouvelle co-entreprise Michelin-Faurecia, va implanter son usine de production de piles à hydrogène sur le territoire de la métropole de Lyon. Si le lieu précis n'est pas encore dévoilé, l'entreprise indique qu'elle lancera les travaux dès le mois de mars 2020. 
Quelques mois avec son acquisition par l'alliance Michelin-Faurecia, Symbio poursuit son ambition de devenir "le leader mondial de la mobilité hydrogène".
Pour y répondre, Symbio annonce, confirmant les propos de Florent Menegaux lors de sa visite sur le site des Gravanches à Clermont-Ferrand, qu'elle a choisi d'implanter sa première usine de production de piles à hydrogène pour véhicules électriques sur le territoire de la Métropole de Lyon.
"Il s'agit de la plus grande usine de production en Europe. Elle aura une capacité de 200 000 unités par an en 2030", précise Symbio dans son communiqué.
Si le lieu est acté, l'entreprise ne dévoilera son implantation précise que le 10 mars prochain lors de la pose de la première pierre.
"Le dossier est en voie de finalisation," indique-t-on du côté de Symbio.
Soutiens institutionnels Cette implantation est soutenue par les équipes de la métropole de Lyon et l'Aderly, mais aussi par la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et son agence économique, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises.
Elles ont apporté leurs expertises en matière "d'identification du foncier, des besoins d'aménagement ou l'approvisionnement en hydrogène de la future usine", selon la métropole de Lyon....
.... Un Peu Plus 
Michelin just released their numbers (Feb. 10) but did not have a mention of the J.V. in the press release.
We'll see how things work out in Zero Emission Valley 
Zero Emission Valley : Chambéry Grand Lac Economie