Monday, June 15, 2020

Meanwhile in Liverpool: "Penny Lane road signs sprayed over in 'disgraceful' attack"

From the Liverpool Echo:
'Mindless' vandalism on street made famous by Beatles song, which many historians say has no slave trade links
Road signs on Liverpool's famous Penny Lane have been defaced and covered in graffiti in a series of attacks described as "mindless."

Images shared on social media this morning show all the signs for the Mossley Hill road which is a major draw for Beatles fans have been sprayed over so that the word Penny is no longer visible.

Graffiti with the word 'racist' has also been sprayed on a wall behind one of the signs, while the words 'Penny was a slave trader' have been sprayed near another of the road signs.

The graffiti comes after it was suggested by some people on social media that the road - famously sung about by The Beatles - was actually named after prominent slave ship owner James Penny....

And what about that fireman with an hourglass?
And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen!!