Monday, June 15, 2020

"The Guardian facing calls to ‘shut down’ over founder’s use of slaves and siding against Lincoln in US Civil War"

From The Sun:
THE GUARDIAN is facing calls to “shut down” for hypocrisy after backing BLM protests when it branded Abraham Lincoln “abhorrent” in the US Civil War.

Originally called the Manchester Guardian, the paper was founded in 1821 by John Edward Taylor using profits from a cotton plantation that used slaves.

After his death in 1844, the paper is said to have then demanded Manchester’s cotton workers be forced back into work.

Now with a growing backlash against statues linked to slavery and racism, hundreds have signed a petition taking aim at the Guardian's history.

This petition to shut the paper down has been organised by novelist Tony Parsons, who tweeted: “Shameful links to slave-owning Confederate south. Built on the profits of cotton fields. Shut down The Guardian Newspaper.”

During the US Civil War the paper had sided with the southern Confederates against President Lincoln who wanted to abolish slavery.

A leader piece said: “It was an evil day both for America and the world when he was chosen President of the United States.”

On January 2, 1863, it accused Lincoln of having “no desire to abolish slavery except as a means of extrication from the difficulties of government”.

A year and a half later it claimed: “Nor is Mr Lincoln's re-election by fraud, violence, and intimidation rendered a matter of comparatively small importance solely by the fact that it reveals nothing with respect to the real wishes and thoughts of the majority of his fellow countrymen.”....

Meanwhile in Massachusetts:
Calls to remove controversial Abraham Lincoln statue in Boston

It's getting confusing.
And now I'm hearing some very disturbing things about Wilberforce.