Thursday, June 18, 2020

Shipping: "ABB Says Large Ships Powered By Fuel Cells Are On The Horizon"

As noted over the years, one of the etymologies of speculation is seeing over the horizon.*

From American Professional Mariners Association - News, May 20:

Concept illustration of a large vessel powered by fuel cells; Image courtesy: ABB
The development of the zero-emission ships will require continuous technological innovation to get the industry to its ultimate objective of decarbonizing shipping.

As such, the path toward a green future will not be unified as the industry would have to rethink the ways it has been building ships so far and come up with alternatives.

These will incorporate various technological advancements when it comes to ship design, propulsion, energy efficiency, navigation, and a multitude of alternative marine fuels.

Fuel cells as a zero-emission propulsion solution for marine applications are expected to play a significant role in that process. And, we might be even closer to a future where large trans-oceanic ships are powered by fuel cells than we think.

“With its power capacity having grown over the last decade, the fuel cell asserts its position as a viable source of marine energy – and not only as a means of supporting auxiliary energy requirements or powering smaller ships,” Jostein Bogen, product manager for energy storage and fuel cells at ABB Marine & Ports, told our publication in an interview.

“The technology is responsive enough to be used as a general energy source for most loads on electric ships – and can be deployed in combination with batteries to yield additional benefits. For example, vessels that operate predominantly on diesel engines could employ fuel cells to boost efficiency and comply with regulations in areas such as fjords and zero-emission ports.”

Indeed, short-distance shipping is believed to be the first adopter of this technology. However, as explained by Bogen, it is feasible for deep-sea shipping, at least as an auxiliary power source....

See also "Shipping: ABB and Hydrogene de France To Produce Fuel Cells To Power Oceangoing Vessels."

*Speaking of horizons and speculation here's part of "Adam Smith on Speculation as Witchcraft' (now with Voodoo Beach Bunnies)":

...One etymology of the word speculation:
c.1374, "contemplation, consideration," from O.Fr. speculation, from L.L. speculationem (nom. speculatio) "contemplation, observation," from L. speculatus, pp. of speculari "observe," from specere "to look at, view" (see scope (1)). Disparaging sense of "mere conjecture" is recorded from 1575. Meaning "buying and selling in search of profit from rise and fall of market value" is recorded from 1774; short form spec is attested from 1794. Speculator in the financial sense is first recorded 1778. Speculate is a 1599 back-formation.
That is not the etymology grandmother taught me. Hers had to do with Italian merchants keeping watchtowers manned to spot sails over the horizon, enabling those who could see furthest to sell off inventory before goods-ladened ships made harbor and crashed the market. More like this etymology at Wictionary:
From Latin speculātus, past participle of speculor (look out), from specula (watchtower), from specio (look at)