First though, the video for the September 21st climate change walk:
And from Modern Farmer:
Rabbits are a mainstay of our collective childhood memories – we love them because they are small, cute, childlike and pure. But what if rabbits had the power to strike fear in your heart?Your run of the mill rabbits, like Peter and “Watership Down’s” Hazel, have larger cousins. Much larger. Among breeds of rabbits there are over 10 giant varieties. Soon there may be one more. In 2009, the Spanish government started a breeding program to bring back the giant Valenciano Rabbit. Vincente Garcia, the engineer in charge of the program, told the Telegraph: “We have already started a breeding program and will test the productivity and profitability of the Valenciano with the goal that it will once again be viable to produce for human consumption.”
Giant rabbit terror — provoked by scientific experimentation like Garcia’s — was brought into the spotlight in the 1972 cult classic, “Night of the Lepus.” Set in a small Arizona town, giant mutant rabbits attacked humans with deadly consequences. The filmmakers used a mix of miniature sets with normal-sized rabbits and actors in rabbit suits....MORE
If you would like to read our entire blog in the voice of Elmer Fudd (and frankly, who wouldn't?), here is the Dialectizer. As an example, we'll use the earlier post on shale oil:
Cwimateew Investing
We've been at the fwont of the wine compwaining about cash fwows, fwee cash fwow, cash on cash wetuwns and aww the othew awcana that makes me so exciting at pawties.
Fwom the Financiaw Times:
Shawe oiw and gas pwoducews’ finances wift gwowf hopes
De independent oiw and gas companies at the fowefwont of the US shawe wevowution have substantiawwy impwoved theiw financiaw position – boosting confidence that the wapid gwowf in pwoduction can continue.
We first became interested in the giant rabbits when a shipment from Germany of what was supposed to be breeding stock was intercepted by North Korean elites and never seen again. See:Cash eawned fwom opewations by 25 weading Nowf Amewican expwowation and pwoduction companies is expected in aggwegate to exceed theiw capitaw spending next yeaw fow the fiwst time since 2008, accowding to an anawysis by Factset fow the Financiaw Times. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!
US oiw and gas pwoduction has gwown shawpwy in the past decade, thanks to advances in hydwauwic fwactuwing and howizontaw dwiwwing techniqwes, as weww as highew oiw pwices that made it viabwe to devewop shawe wesewves....MORE
Totally off-topic: Kentucky Fried North Korea
Herman, in happier times. Then:![]()
No More Monster Bunnies for North Korea
The fate of 12 German giant rabbits delivered to North Korea is in doubt. The breeder who sent them suspects they have been eaten by top officials rather than used to set up a bunny farm. Berlin's North Korean embassy denies the allegation. One thing is sure: the country will have to find another seller....
We're So Proud: Our Second Most Popular Post Last Weekend Was "Bummer Kid, I'm the Ether Bunny"
Are folks coming to the blog for the incisive commentary?
The actionable markets discussion?
A breezy devil-may-care weltanschauung?
They visited for the picture of the giant bunny, Darius.