Friday, August 16, 2024

"Short Take: Public Choice Theory and How This Ends"

From Kulak Girl's Anarchonomicon, March 4, 2024:

Concentrated minority interests will ALWAYS defeat dispersed collective majority interests in any system of government/institution that doesn't terminate in an individual owner.

This is basic public choice theory.

Any government or corporation that does not have a individual Owner/Operator or King will inevitable die of its own corruption, actively acting against the interests not only of its core charge, but against the interests of the system's own survival. This is why all democracies and republics commit suicide, and why large corporations whose founders have moved on and have weak CEOs inevitably become inefficient and destroy their own core competency (Google is maybe the worst search engine in the world at this point, Yahoo is often better; because they haven't updated it as much)

The most degenerate will set the tone of sexual politics because they're the slim minority that cares the most and has the most to gain, whereas normal people have 10k other concerns and can't dedicated their lives to defending normality. Same with farm policy, it will always be set by the narrow concentrated interest of corporate food producers and recipients of subsidized government food stuff: This is what's happened to America's food supply, it's what happened to Rome's before the fall. Down the list of every policy.

Every individual item will be controlled not by the public good or even majority will, but by the narrowest interest that can make it their life's work and either get rich, or lead a life of sloth by controlling it.

Homelessness policy is not set by the businesses and people who live in the areas destroyed by them but by the activists and social workers who get more funding the worse the problem becomes, and who will fight to the death to prevent you from arresting or forcing out the addicts, because they're part of the social Worker industrial complex and they'll lose money if the homelessness problem gets better or stops hurting normal people.


Related, March 2021:
N.N. Taleb "The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority"