Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Polish leader urges Nord Stream patrons to ‘keep quiet’ as pipeline mystery returns to spotlight"

Now why would he say that?

And why would he say that in public?

My Spidey-sense is twitching.

From the Associated Press, August 17:

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Saturday reacted to reports that revived questions about who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines in 2022, saying the initiators of the gas pipeline project should “apologize and keep quiet.” That comment came after one of his deputies denied a claim that Warsaw was partly responsible for its damage.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that Ukrainian authorities were responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in September 2022, a dramatic act of sabotage that cut Germany off from a key source of energy and worsened an energy crisis in Europe.

Germany was a partner with Russia in the pipeline project. Poland has long said its own security interests have been harmed by Nord Stream.

“To all the initiators and patrons of Nord Stream 1 and 2. The only thing you should do today about it is apologise and keep quiet,” Tusk wrote on the social media portal X Saturday. 

Tusk appeared to be reacting specifically to a claim by a former head of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, BND, August Hanning, who told the German daily Die Welt that the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines must have had Poland’s support. Hanning said Germany should consider seeking compensation from Poland and Ukraine....


When I was young and got a shot, some sort of inoculation or other, the standard procedure was to ask the nurse to put a Band-Aid on the opposite arm, tricking the other kids into slapping or punching the wrong arm. 

You had to remember to feign almost intolerable pain when the wrong arm was hit or there was a risk the brighter kids would figure-out the ploy.

In the same way President Tusk may be feigning his reaction to the German reports as a red herring (in Cobbett's sense of the term) to draw attention away from some other explanation.

Of course it's also possible we have just entered the madness-inducing Widerness of Mirrors, of Angleton's usage and should follow the path of the spider in  T.S. Elliot's 1920 poem Gerontion:

...These with a thousand small deliberations
Protract the profit of their chilled delirium,
Excite the membrane, when the sense has cooled,
With pungent sauces, multiply variety
In a wilderness of mirrors. What will the spider do,
Suspend its operations...  