Thursday, July 19, 2018

"BuzzFeed launches a new website for its real journalism"

What the hell am I going to do with the "Wolf of BuzzFeed" clip?

I think this is retaliation for last year's "Plaintiff in Russia dossier suit argues BuzzFeed isn't a real news organization".
Dammit BuzzFeed, it was CNN's headline, not ours, that's what the quotation marks are for.

From TechCrunch:
It’s not news at this point that BuzzFeed has a serious news organization — one whose reporting on Russia made it a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize this year.

But it’s also a news organization whose stories are published alongside the social media friendly quizzes and lists that BuzzFeed remains known for — which can be confusing, or even provide easy ammunition to those who want to criticize the reporting.

Yes, the company has already taken steps to give the more serious reporting its own home and identity, with a BuzzFeed News app, a section on the main BuzzFeed site and a “BuzzFeed News” label on every story.

Still, Senior Product Manager Kate Zasada said the company’s own research has found that some readers “don’t completely understand” that while BuzzFeed is famous for GIF-filled lists, it also produces “deeply researched and fact-checked” journalism. (The snarky comments I get whenever I write about BuzzFeed seem to back this up.)

So the company is making that distinction clearer with the launch of a new BuzzFeed News website.
News stories will still run on the main BuzzFeed homepage, and the BuzzFeed News site will include links to other BuzzFeed content. But it looks and feels more like a standalone site, giving the team what Zasada said is “a new domain and a new brand.”...MUCH MORE
As noted in the outro from that 2017 post:

They grow up so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday (actually it was January 11, 2017, 12:52 pm PST) that we were posting:

Breaking--Buzzfeed Considers Itself Media--Breaking
The tweeter is a writer on media at HuffPo and adjunct professor at NYU.

I can't imagine what Andreessen Horowitz and NBC Universal are thinking about their BuzzFeed investments right now.
Maybe this will cheer them up:

1. 7 types of drunkard
From pages 52 to 60 of The Anatomy of Drunkenness (1834) by Robert Macnish
Okay, Who Sent Me the BuzzFeed SEC Form D?
Journalism: BuzzFeed Releases Internal Style Guide--Updated 
Arrrgh--Updated--Journalism: BuzzFeed Releases Internal Style Guide--Updated
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Study Showing "Fake News' Beating 'Real News'" Is Fake
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15 Cliches In Buzzfeed President's Departure Memo*
"Can Silicon Valley disrupt journalism if journalists hate being disrupted?"
The Onion Launches Clickhole to Take On BuzzFeed, Upworthy
Facebook To Decide Which News Sites Live, Which News Sites Die

"The NYTimes could be worth $19bn instead of $2bn"
Errrmmm, yes.
Should the risk-free rate go to negative 5%.