From the Telegraph:
Luke Aikins, has made history by becoming the first person to jump 25,000 feet without a parachute.
The 42-year old skydiver and veteran of 18,000 jumps completed the stunt without mishap, landing almost in the middle of the 100-foot by 100-foot net.Here's the video:
Taking only a few moments to regain his composure, Mr Akins dusted himself off, clambered out of the net and jumped into the arms of his very relieved wife, Monica.
The leap, which was broadcast by Fox, was watched by other members of the family and a crowd of well-wishers packed into an improvised spectator stand in the California desert.
After 18 months of preparation, the Screen Actors Guild almost put a spanner in the works by insisting that he wore a parachute for the stunt as a precaution.
However following further negotiations, which continued while the plane was climbing to the jumping altitude, the Guild had a change of heart and the requirement was lifted.
Mr Aikins said that the need to wear a parachute would have made the jump more dangerous because of the need to adjust his position as he approached the net....MORE