Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Where In the World Is Izabella Kaminska: Conservation of Energy Edition

She's in Switzerland!

And as Switzerland's CERN teaches us, when matter and anti-matter collide the result, due to conservation of mass energy, will be the annihilation of both but with an asymmetry favoring residual matter in the resulting hadron cascade.
Anyhoo, here's one of Ms Kaminska's tweets which you can blame for my ramble:

In a mirror image way, the residue of the energy sucking reactions that result in bureaucracy are quirks, not quarks.
Or something.
Here's her Davos tweetstream.

And her first report for FT Alphaville:

Davos: Historians dream of fourth industrial revolutions
Davos Day One.
The historians are breaking down the significance of the fourth industrial revolution.
They’re talking about AI, robotics, IoT, self driving cars, 3D printing, quantum computing and whether such things really will equate to a new industrial era — the new ‘new economy’ thesis if you will.

The fourth industrial revolution, Harvard’s Niall Ferguson notes, is distinctive because of its exponential rather than linear pace, not only changing what and how we do things but also potentially who we are.

Ian Goldin, professor of globalisation and development at the Oxford Martin School, University draws parallels with the renaissance and the enlightenment: it’s a period of momentous change but this time more than just another industrial revolution. He claims we will reinterpret our approach to the world. A nervous system of information will define our time.

“It will be the most rapid escape from poverty”, says Goldin.

The renaissance is also a good comparative because of the pushback which occurred at the time to the disruption, from the burning of friar Savonarola — a campaigner for change– and the fragmentation of the Catholic church.

But Niall Ferguson adds that Italian renaissance city states also suffered from some of the highest murder rates in history, drawing on the subtler theme of the panel: that every good technological change brought about in history has often been accompanied by an equal and opposite vice....

And speaking of renaissance murder rates, you can see the defensive characteristics built into even residential structures in yesterday's "House For Sale Between Florence and Siena: Eight Bedrooms, Views, Previous Owner, Michelangelo":