Friday, November 15, 2013

How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Artisanal Coffee

I am, as the Horse Lady might say, off my feed today, resulting in a mood somewhere on the crabby<==>homicidal  continuum. Perhaps a nice cup of coffee before heading home...

From Meatrobot:
"Making great filter coffee is simple:
1) Use only single-bush beans, preferably from the same branch.

2) Burnish each individual coffee bean with a tiny loofah, until you can see your beard and square spectacles reflected back at you.

3) Crush the beans using an industrial-revolution-era steam press. Any coffee shop worth its salt will have one; Gurner & Fuckpants of Soho use the traditional donkey attached to a capstan to power theirs. Some of the beans may turn into diamonds under the extreme pressure - remove these, as they impart an overpowering note of geranium.

4) Brew at precisely 82.3 degrees celsius for 87 seconds. Sure, you can brew at 82.4 degrees - if you want your coffee to taste like complete shit.

5) We recommend using a glass pipette to actually imbibe the coffee. Place a single drop on each of your tongue’s taste areas, before smearing the aforementioned organ on a flat, inert surface in order to mix the flavonoids and terpenes properly. Any coffee shop worth its salt will have vanadium-coated steel tablets for this purpose. If they don’t - what the fuck are you doing in starbucks??"
Filter coffee: the return of a has-bean | Life and style |

What is this St. Arbucks? 
Tip d'chapeau: whammo