In India a demat (dematerialized) account is what we call book-entry, no physical delivery.
From the Times of India:
MUMBAI: Can Hindu deities have demat accounts to enable them transact in shares and debentures on the stock market?HT:Marginal Revolution who writes:
The Bombay High Court will decide the issue after a religious trust filed a petition challenging the decision of National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) to refuse it permission for opening demat accounts in the names of five Hindu deities....MORE
The best sentence I read today
The deities of the Sangli-based trust "Ganpati Panchayatam Sansthan" are Lord Ganesh, Chintamaneshwardev, Chintamaneshwaridevi, Suryanarayandev and Laxminarayandev.
UPDATE: Bombay High Court Rules Hindu Deities MAY NOT Trade Securities