Potash (POT): Employee Strike Impact May Be Offset By Soaring Potash Prices
The United Steelworkers have commenced a strike after four days of mediation
did not resolve key contract issues. Unionized employees at Potash's (POT) Allan Division, Cory Division and Patience Lake Division began striking 6:30 p.m. (EST) August 7th. The affected facilities represent approximately 30% of POT's total annual potash output and about 5% of global demand.Sounds like a major short-term problem, right? Not for uber-POT bull RBC. The bank is not yet concerned and refuses to adjust their financial forecast. Rising potash prices, they say, could solve everything:...MORE
From Market Folly:
Potash Corp. Sitting On Major Trendline
From Reuters:
Potash Corp says expansion continues amid strike
From the Ottawa Citizen: Potash strike set to pinch tight supplies
From the Financial Post:
Potash Corp. buyback continues
From Morningstar.ca:
Fertilizer Producers under Review
Some of our POT posts:
Canpotex to sell potash at $1,000/tonne-analyst (AGU; MOS; POT)
The Worm Turns, and Fertilizer Stocks Suffer (AGU; IPI; MOS; POT)
Potash CEO says fertilizer prices not near peak (AGU; IPI; MOS; POT)
J.P. Morgan on POT : Way High