Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Oil/Shipping: "Singapore court approves winding up of oil trader Hin Leong"

Well, except for the lawsuits and the recriminations and...

From Reuters, March 8:

Singapore’s High Court on Monday approved an application to wind up collapsed oil trading firm Hin Leong Trading Pte Ltd, marking the end of what was once one of Asia’s top oil traders, three sources familiar with the matter said.

Hin Leong, owned by Singaporean tycoon Lim Oon Kuin and his children, racked up some $4 billion in debt and entered court restructuring nearly a year ago.

The company had been seeking to restructure its debts after the oil price crash last year when Lim admitted in a court document to directing the firm not to disclose hundreds of millions of dollars in losses over several years.

Court-appointed judicial managers Goh Thien Phong and Chan Kheng Tek from accounting firm PwC had submitted an application to wind up Hin Leong on Feb. 5 and have been appointed as joint liquidators of the company, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to speak with media....


If interested, March 2nd's "Singapore: "One-third of Hin Leong founder's ships sold to repay debt, say sources" (so far)" has quite a few of our links