Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Is A Co-Branded Card In The Works? Vatican Joins With Visa, Allianz, Bank of America, MasterCard, Lynn F. de Rothschild et al In Capitalism Effort

From CNBC, December 8:

Council for Inclusive Capitalism announces partnership with the Vatican and business leaders

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism announced Tuesday morning a new partnership between the Vatican and business leaders across the globe. This alliance followed a meeting just over a year ago when Pope Francis called for the urgent need for “an economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity.” Lynn Forester De Rothschild, founder of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, joined “Squawk Box” on Tuesday to discuss....MORE

Catholic World Report illustrates their story with a photo of the Pope Paul V room:

Council for Inclusive Capitalism launches partnership with Vatican

Nicer floor than a lot of meeting rooms  I've been in but a bit austere.

Among our other visits to the Vatican financial operations:

"‘Cashed-up’ Mother Teresa kept Vatican Bank afloat – journalist "
One of the all-time great headlines.

Yesterday I Learned About ATMs
It started with Paul Murphy at Alphaville's Markets Live:...

...Which of course lead to the question "Do the Vatican Bank ATM's really have instructions in Latin?"
(I had heard that from a less-than-reliable-source)

As it turns out, the answer is:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/17ktqx1deauuejpg.jpg

Yes, Latin is one of the language options.
In fact there's even a TIL thread at reddit.
Which managed to stay on topic for about four comments:
Pope: Why do I have to push "1" for Latin? It should only be Latin! If you're gonna come here, learn the language! Foreigners!

"And then they ask 'Are you sure you want to withdraw $DCXLII?'"
"$642? The ATMs in the Vatican give out ones!?"
Smallest note in the EU is €5 Maybe it's €640 and two Hail Marys?

"Romanes eunt domus."
The line is "People called 'Romanes' they go the house." "Romanes" is not a Latin word; he pluralized a second declension word as if it were third declension, so it doesn't translate to anything.

"Eunt?? What is eunt???"
3rd person plural present active of the verb 'eo, ire', meaning to go.
And from there it just descended into madness.

Until Il Papa decided to show off by making a withdrawal:

There are more stories at that Mother Teresa link if the reader is interested. 

Can VatiCoin be far behind?