Monday, August 12, 2019

Energy 2019: "Germany’s Big Bet On Hydrogen"

From OilPrice:
....Betting on hydrogen
Germany is not the first country where significant funds are invested in research and development. In Asia, notably Japan and China, hydrogen is already on the radar of private companies and policymakers due to its apparent advantages. Two technical characteristics, however, have held back the large-scale proliferation of hydrogen-based technologies: associated complexities and security risks due to the energy carrier's high flammability.

Government officials reckon that within the right policy framework and sufficient investment from the private sector, costs for hydrogen-based technologies could decrease the same way as with photovoltaic cells.

According to Inga Posch, managing director at FNB Gas, "hydrogen is one of the hottest topics in the energy transition in the country at the moment. The interest of the private sector is really huge. Germans have been too focused on the electrification of the economy, so we are starting on the process with a delay."

Although German companies are already investing in new technologies and applications concerning hydrogen, it was German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier remark to make the country "number one in the world" that set the target....