She's pretty sharp.
Here's one of her older pieces that was sitting in the linkvault and that I had meant to post.
From her personal blog, Elaine's Idle Mind:
Adab, Mesopotamia. ca. 2900 BC
LUM-ma: Hey, can I borrow some barley to feed my kids? Harvest didn’t turn out so good this year.
MUG-si: You’ll pay me back next season?
LUM-ma: Yeah, totally.
MUG-si: Can I get that in writing?
LUM-ma: Sure, here you go:
Akkad, Mesopotamia. ca. 2750 BC
Farmer #1: Dammit, I’ve been drafted to go fight in Sumer. I don’t have time for this, I have farm stuff to do.
Farmer #2: I’ll take care of your farm while you’re gone. When you come back, we’ll split the harvest.
Farmer #1: Hell no, last time we tried this you let my fields get overrun with weeds and crocodiles.
Farmer #2: My buddy will guarantee that I follow through this time. If I screw up, he’ll compensate you for damages. He’s a merchant right here in Akkad so you know you can trust him.
Farmer #1: Fine. Can I get this in writing?
Farmer #2: Yup! Here:
Babylon, Mesopotamia. 1820 BC
Ilshu-bani: Can you spot me a couple shekels of silver? I need to buy some seeds.
Sin-tajjar: Ugh, I’m so sick of you always borrowing money from me. Get a job, man.
Ilshu-bani: I’ll pay you back at harvest time!
Sin-tajjar: That’s seven months from now. Don’t you understand the time value of money? I’ll loan you the shekels at 20% interest.
Ilshu-bani: 20%?! Good grief! What if I can’t pay that back?
Sin-tajjar: I’m not too worried. If you can’t pay me back, I get to make you my slave. Apparently that’s a law now.
Ilshu-bani: Freaking Hammurabi.
Sin-tajjar: Do you want the silver or not?
Ilshu-bani: Fine.
Sin-tajjar: Cool. Just print your name here:
Arsinoites nome, Egypt. 172 BC.
Aristokles: Can I borrow 3 talents and 780 drachma for 13 months?
Theokles: Sure, I charge 24% interest.
Aristokles: No problem.
Theokles: What happens if you don’t pay me back?
Aristokles: You get to have my wife!
Theokles: I’d… really rather have the money.
Aristokles: Nah, take my wife. Here, I’ll even put it writing for you:
Rome, Roman Republic. 100 AD....