Trina has the backing (implicit if not explicit) of the Chinese government, This is one of the Chinese solars that will have access to financing and anything else they need. The stock closed down $1.45 (3.82%) today but the risk on the short side is positive surprises coming seemingly out of the blue.
First off, a heads-up from China Analyst:
"Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL): Bank of America reiterated Buy rating and $40 price target."From Schaeffer's Research:
Trina Solar Limited (TSL:
sentiment, chart, options) attracted a slew of put players on Tuesday, despite the stock tagging a new 52-week high. During the course of the session, the solar concern saw 3,130 puts cross the tape – more than doubling the number of TSL calls traded, and tripling the security's average daily put volume of fewer than 1,000 contracts.
Most popular was the equity's out-of-the-money November 33 put, which saw almost 800 contracts change hands. Most of the volume appears to have been the initiation of new pessimistic positions, as put open interest at the 33 strike jumped from fewer than 500 to about 1,200 contracts overnight. Plus, 97% of the puts crossed at the ask price, suggesting they were bought. However, the deeper-out-of-the-money 30 strike remains home to peak put open interest in the front-month series, with close to 1,900 contracts in residence....MORE
And for those readers who complain that we just don't have enough Italian content:
ErgyCapital, completato impianto fotovoltaico per 1 MWP
Roma, 4 nov - Il Gruppo ErgyCapital, investment company specializzata nel settore delle energie rinnovabili e del risparmio energetico, annuncia il completamento e la piena operatività di un impianto da circa 1 MWp situato ad Altamura (BA). L'impianto è di tipologia fissa non integrata, con pannelli in silicio policristallino di fornitura Trina Solar e con inverter SMA. La messa in funzione dell'impianto avviene a due settimane di distanza da quella dei due impianti localizzati nel comune di Galatina (LE), che si aggiungono a quello completamente integrato di Serravalle Scrivia, operativo da inizio anno. Il Gruppo raggiunge così quota 7,5 MWp di impianti attivi....MORE at la Repubblica[italics. cute. -ed]