Sunday, February 5, 2023

"Hustle bros are jumping on the AI bandwagon"

From The Verge, February 2

The world of financial influencers promise viewers they can use ChatGPT to make big bucks with no effort. The schemes they suggest are dubious, but reveal how the AI chatbot might erode our online world. 

The grind-set, side-hustle, passive-income crew has a new favorite toy: ChatGPT. On YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, a motley assortment of established and would-be financial influencers are pumping out videos advising how you — yes, YOU — could be making tens of thousands of dollars in your sleep with the help of OpenAI’s chatbot. 

“It’s one of the craziest softwares I’ve ever seen on planet Earth, and you can become a millionaire just using ChatGPT I guarantee you,” advises a young man in one video wearing a “CEO” beanie.

A selection of YouTube thumbnails for videos offering advice on how to make money using ChatGPT.
Image: The Verge / YouTube

“If you start today, you could literally have a million-dollar course creation business by this time next year,” says a woman in another tagged “#investinyourself,” #6figuresidehustle,” and “#7figurebusiness​​.”....


So we aren't doing FTX Token (FTT) anymore? sadz

A "CEO" beanie would be nice though.