Sunday, August 14, 2022

China Discovers 12 Billion Barrels Of Oil In Uyghurland

From The Chinese Communist Party's outward facing propaganda organ, Global Times, August 10:

Sinopec discovers 1.7b-ton oil reserves in Xinjiang

China's oil giant Sinopec discovered an oil field containing 1.7 billion tons of oil reserves during an exploration program in the Shunbei oil and gas field located in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China's Xinjiang region, according to media reports on Wednesday.

The reserves can meet about two years of domestic oil demand, as the country usually uses about 800 million tons of oil each year, Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times on Wednesday, while noting that not all the oil that's been detected can be extracted.

The new oil field is one of the world's deepest commercial oil and gas fields, with an average depth reaching 7,300 meters, China Media Group reported.

The exploration program covers 41 wells at more than 8,000 meters in depth, 76 wells within 7,500 to 8,000 meters, and a 9,300-meter-depth directional well. These wells are known as "underground Qomolangmas."

According to Sinopec, the company has established four oil and gas fields of over 100 million tons each in the Tarim Basin, and it has commissioned 15 wells with daily output surpassing 1,000 tons and 8,000 meters in depth....


Although being known more as a refiner than PetroChina this find goes a long way toward building Sinopec's upstream portfolio.

Previously from PetroChina and parent China National Petroleum Corporation :
June 2021
"Chinese drillers announce two MASSIVE oil & gas discoveries in Northwest China" (Uyghurland)

December 2020
PetroChina Makes Huge Gas Find In Uyghurland
Huh. Imagine that.
The Chinese would prefer it be called Xinjiang but let's go with Uyghurland.

From Reuters India, December 20:
PetroChina strikes big gas find in China Xinjiang's Junggar basin: state media....
The Junggar was considered a lower probability prospect on this 2012 - 2013 map of China's shale deposits: