Sunday, August 14, 2022

Covid-19: Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci And The Shutdown Of America

A lot of people are attempting to rewrite the history of the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Here's a recent example:

That's from The Hill's show, “Rising”, July 25 2022

And at a virtual Q&A session hosted by the College of the Holy Cross October 6, 2020:

"Two men say they're Jesus one of them must be wrong"
—Dire Straits, Industrial Disease

We have at least a half-dozen different examples of Dr. Fauci advocating for lockdowns. He was especially forceful when talking about shutting down schools.

And from Tablet Magazine, August 7:

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying America
The former White House coronavirus coordinator’s monstrous autobiography explains how lockdowns happened

Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator under President Donald Trump, was one of the “trifecta” of three leading public officials who successfully pushed COVID lockdowns in the United States. Virtually every page of Birx’s new book, Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It’s Too Late, reads like a how-to guide from the front lines of subverting a democratic superpower from within. It bears repeating, from the outset, that lockdowns were never part of any democratic country’s pandemic preparedness plan prior to Xi Jinping’s lockdown of Wuhan, China.

The lockdowns that Xi pioneered and Birx so zealously advocated for reportedly led to over 170,000 non-COVID excess deaths among young Americans while failing to meaningfully slow the spread of COVID anywhere they were tried. It would have been impossible for an enemy agent armed with anything less than nuclear weapons to have inflicted so much damage on America’s economy, social fabric, and historical freedoms in such a short period of time.

Notably, though Birx’s memoir has earned relatively few reviews from human readers on Amazon, it’s earned rave reviews from Chinese state media, a feat not shared even by the far more popular pro-lockdown books of professional genuflectors to power like Lawrence Wright.

The glowing response from Chinese state media should come as no surprise. Nearly every sentence of Birx’s book faithfully parrots the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign and domestic propaganda, which helped facilitate Xi’s weaponization of the COVID response to eliminate the independence of the CCP’s private sector rivals.

Chapter 1 opens with what Birx claims was her first impression of the virus:

I can still see the words splashed across my computer screen in the early morning hours of January 3. Though we were barely into 2020, I was stuck in an old routine, waking well before dawn and scanning news headlines online. On the BBC’s site, one caught my attention: “China Pneumonia Outbreak: Mystery Virus Probed in Wuhan.”....
....That’s Chapter 1.

Birx then spends hundreds of pages recounting what appears to be political maneuvering to intentionally deceive as many Americans as possible into willingly locking down for as long as possible, without making it seem like a “lockdown”:

At this point, I wasn’t about to use the words lockdown or shutdown. If I had uttered either of those in early March, after being at the White House only one week, the political, nonmedical members of the task force would have dismissed me as too alarmist, too doom-and-gloom, too reliant on feelings and not facts. They would have campaigned to lock me down and shut me up.

Birx recalls using “flatten-the-curve guidance” to manipulate the “political, nonmedical members” of the government into consenting to lockdowns that were stricter than they realized:....

In Dr. Fauci's case he is straight-up duplicitous - two-faced - same root as duplex etc. 
It's a mental illness. Narcissistic to the point of being delusional "I am the science" along with the manipulative behavior of the true sociopath makes for an interesting study in multiple psychopathologies. The ultimate political bureaucrat.

Dr. Birx may be even worse.
Yuck. For a more lighthearted look at abnormal psychology there's that time a researcher in a state mental institution brought together three paranoid schizophrenics who thought they were Jesus, written up as The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. After a rather tense beginning they each became slightly more accepting of the others but eventually it all broke down:

....The relative friendliness that the men showed to each other – which Rokeach put down to the patients attempting to appear amenable, as befitting their status as the son of God – soon broke down and led to verbal and physical fights between the three "Jesuses".

In one meeting, Clyde declared that Leon "oughta worship me, I'll tell you that" ....
....MUCH MORE, IFL Science, July 6, 2021
For some reason I hear Clyde speaking in Fauci's Brooklyn accent.
Let's see what the other voices have to say 
That's all I've got for mental illness this week.