Tuesday, January 4, 2022

"The jobs, sectors and countries most at risk of automation and robotics in 2022"

A deep dive from CityAM, January 4:

Digital change and automation are driving enormous productivity gains in the world of work.

However, the rapid changes mean many individuals, businesses and even entire nations will be hugely impacted by automation and tech, with some roles and jobs to be replaced by robots altogether.

Many of the industries that are most at risk of seeing jobs being taken over by robotics have over time evolved to an automated process and fall into categories such as administrative tasks and manual labour.  

Pricing platform Small Business Prices analysed a variety of metrics to find the countries most ready for the future due to their use of automation, and which jobs are most at risk. The company shared its findings exclusively with City A.M.

Out of 702 jobs analysed the occupation that ranks the highest for chances of being replaced by automation is telemarketing.

This is followed by title examiners, abstractors, and searchers – roles that involve mainly clerical tasks – in second place and hand-sewers come in as the third most likely to see their job be replaced by automated technology.

RankOccupations most at risk of automationProbability of being automated
2Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers 0.99
3Sewers, Hand0.99
4Mathematical Technicians0.99
5Insurance Underwriters0.99

....MUCH MORE, including least at risk and country profiles