Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Political Violence: We've Spotted Our First Usage Of The Term "Direct Action"

Something's up. As noted in June 2020:
The community organizers and students of political science among our readers will recognize the 'ol Action directe, perhaps accompanied by a bit of Thomas Carlyle’s whiff of grapeshot describing the end of the French Revolution, this time round.
And going back to 2007's " "International Day of Direct Action Against Climate Change and the G8" this language has a specific meaning:
...From the French version of Wikipedia: Action directe (AD) est un groupe clandestin (aux influences anarchistes et communistes...)

From Wikipedia: Action Directe was a French Maoist/Marxist-Leninist militant group which committed a series of assassinations and violent attacks in France between 1979 and 1987....
Well, on August 8 ""General Labor Strike Planned Across US".
in June 27's "Why Turkey is Important" I went on a bit of a ramble (ramble? Moi?) riffing off of the ZeroHedge headline "A US civil war is now on the table as new alliances form" and exited with this:
One thing to keep an eye on is the use of the word "ungovernable" in the U.S. Here's GoogleTrends (web searches) since 2004:

We are now at the highest level of searches since Trump's inauguration.

So keep your head on a swivel, you don't want to miss the 'action'. 
