Sunday, August 22, 2021

As The French and British Evacuate Their Nationals Using Armed Escorts & Helicopters, "Canadians Are Told To...

...Wear Red and Be Persistent"

From The Toronto Sun:

Afghan, American troops turn away Canadians at Kabul airport
Canadian evacuees told to 'wear red' at crushing airport checkpoint while allies run armoured, airborne escorts out of besieged city

Sources in Kabul say would-be Canadian evacuees are being turned away from the airport by American and Afghan soldiers, despite holding valid documents permitting them passage out of the besieged city.

While other nations send helicopters and armed escorts to rescue their citizens from the Taliban-controlled city, Global Affairs Canada’s advice for evacuees to “wear red” and identify themselves as Canadians apparently holds no sway with those tasked with gatekeeping the world’s most dangerous airport.....

[I'm Canadian, eh] 

...Canada, meanwhile, still advises those hoping to leave to wear red and be persistent....


The French and British were actually assisting the Americans they came across during their forays into the city.