Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Knives Are Coming Out For President Biden

From the Bezos Blog & IC Stenographer (formerly: The Washington Post), August 31:  
After the Graham fam left the scene, the WaPo has become pretty much useless for news and commentary.
Since the Bezos purchase, it is helpful, in a meta sense, in understanding what story the Intelligence Community wants to spread, but that's about it. 
August 24 


Right on cue we have the New York Times carrying water for the intelligence community.

Of course none of the people "leaking" this stuff bothered to "leak" this information to Congress, or do one of those "Anonymous" op-eds that the Times publishes. Nope.

What appears to be happening is a decision has been made to throw both President Biden and Vice-President Harris under the bus. That in fact they may even have been set up as the fall guys for this dénouement.

The other possibility is that, as with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the spooks were clueless and are now spreading their CYA through their old and trusted media friends....