Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas and the Craziest Woman In Ireland

Whenever I think of the terrorists in Ireland, on both sides, I think of the La Mon Restaurant bombing. It was done by the IRA, homemade napalm, mass murder by fire. Horrific.

One of the victims
Thirty more survived with ghastly burns.

Sinn Féin's Gerry Adams denied any responsibility and he went on to fame and fortune in Irish politics.
But he lies, he was involved in this bombing. and dozens more. 

His right hand man, Denis Donaldson planned the La Mon bombing. Donaldson later went on to become an informer for the British but that was seven years after the timers were set on the jellied gasoline.

A few years ago Adams was complaining on Twitter about his Christmas lights and a very brave woman responded to him:

She's since deleted her account but what an astounding riposte.

I think she won Twitter that Christmas week.