Friday, December 11, 2020

UPDATED—Attention Traders: It's Going To Be An Interesting Few Days

Update below.

 Now that the market is closed for the week, it's time for a couple comments.

The riot forecast for Washington D.C. Chance of extreme turbulence this weekend:

From Shut Down D.C. December 12 #DefendDC at Black Lives Matter Plaza

And on a completely different, almost transcendent level, there is something profoundly interesting about to happen in that same city.

A black man, born in the deep South, now a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court is going to indirectly sit in judgement on an old racist* who, as a United States Senator vilified, calumnied and attempted to destroy in front of a national audience the black man from Pin Point, Georgia when the then-nominee appeared before him and his Senate Judiciary Committee.

And the Justice will be guided to his decisions by the Constitution rather than by the despicable conduct of the man whose fate he will be deciding.

Take this to the bank: SCOTUS will decide to hear Texas v Pennsylvania et al.

I can't help thinking about the emancipated slave, quoted in Ken Burns' The Civil War who, upon seeing his former master marched past as a prisoner-of-war said:

"Bottom rail on top now, boss."

*Who but a racist would even think, much less say re: Barack Obama:

“I mean, you got the first African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,”

As to how the Court will rule in the cases....

Update: "Supreme Court dismisses bid led by Texas attorney general to overturn the presidential election results, blocking Trump’s legal path to reverse his loss"