Monday, May 22, 2023

Sci-fi author 'writes' 97 AI-generated books in nine months

From The Register, May 22:

Plus: Official ChatGPT iPhone app debuts; Debt collectors using chatbots to chase debtors

In brief Sci-fi author Tim Boucher has produced more than 90 stories in nine months, using ChatGPT and the Claude AI assistant.

Boucher, an ML-using artist and writer, claims to have made nearly $2,000 selling 574 copies of the 97 works.

Each book in his "AI Lore" series is between 2,000 to 5,000 words long - closer to an essay than a novel. They are interspersed with around 40 to 140 pictures, and take roughly six to eight hours to complete, he told Newsweek

Boucher's superhuman output is down to the use of AI software. He uses Midjourney to create the images, and OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude to generate text to brainstorm ideas and write stories....


This is not the 21st century I was looking forward to.

On the other hand it might make transcribing Marc Andreessen a bit easier:

May, 2015 
Marc Andreessen In the New Yorker:
13,000+ words.
Oct. 2014 
New York Magazine's Million Word Interview With Mark Andreessen
It's not really a million words but man-o-mandingo the guy likes to talk.