Thursday, November 29, 2018

"Every Country Invaded by France"

The title of this map isn't really fair, under the rubric "invaded" the cartographer includes:
  • Former part of an invaded country
  • Fought against but did not invade
  • Fought on the territory but not against the country
  • Airstrikes without land troops
That said, it is a good thing the French, despite adapting a word for revenge,  revanche, into the policy of Revanchism, "the political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses incurred by a country"-Wiki, don't really try to take back all the places they've been.*

From Brilliant Maps:
Map crated by reddit user carolusmegamagnus

The map above shows just about every country that has been invaded by France one way or another.
The various ways include:
  • Invaded
  • Colonised
  • Former part of an invaded country
  • Fought against but did not invade
  • Fought on the territory but not against the country
  • Airstrikes without land troops
  • Temporary Settlement/occupation
As with any map of this type the terms and timelines are highly subjective. And misses several countries, for example:

Français : La Tache Noire ; la perte de l'Alsace-Lorraine a été la tache noire de la France. La cession forcée de la région en faveur de l'Empire Allemand en 1871 blessa profondément l'opinion nationale. Le désir de revanche en France était très fort.
English: The Black Stain ; Alsace-Lorraine was the black stain of France. The ceding of the region to the German Empire in 1871 deeply hurt the French people. The desire for revenge in France was wide-spread.