Friday, April 11, 2014

Agriculture is the New Cleantech: Kleiner Partner Launching Farmer Network?

"Yup, I used to raise corn for ethanol. But then the topsoil blew away and I couldn't even get enough juice to run my tractor or get drunk on Saturday. Then this stranger came to town. Ordered something called a 'la-tay' and called himself a 'vee-cee.'...
-Algaen Gothic, June 2008
Every few years a similar story hits the wire and we break out one of the better American Gothic parodies, as usual, apologies to the Grant Wood estate, the Art Institute of Chicago et al:
From GigOm Cleantech:
According to Dan Primack’s email newsletter Kleiner Perkins greentech-focused Partner Amol Deshpande appears to have launched a startup called the Farmer’s Business Network. Here’s the SEC filing for it, which shows it’s raised $4.6 million (or a $6 million round) and the company’s headquarters are in Kleiner’s offices in Menlo Park. Deshpande is listed as President and CEO....MORE
Possibly some tangential relationship:

Venture Capital Down on the Farm
Venture Capital: "Selling Agriculture 2.0 to Silicon Valley"
Silicon Valley to Focus on Ag in Central Valley and Beyond
Agriculture VCs Seek $200M Fund II