A couple degree winter temperature rise in North America could save the situation whereas a winter along the lines of the one just passed would literally have people dying from the cold.
This is what we were talking about in January and February with the switch from long futures to long producers as a more certain trade.
Front futures $4.714 up 18.4 cents and just off the daily high of $4.719.
First up the EIA:
Working gas in storage was 850 Bcf as of Friday, April 11, 2014, according to EIA estimates. This represents a net increase of 24 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 850 Bcf less than last year at this time and 1,010 Bcf below the 5-year average of 1,860 Bcf. In the East Region, stocks were 460 Bcf below the 5-year average following net injections of 6 Bcf. Stocks in the Producing Region were 418 Bcf below the 5-year average of 789 Bcf after a net injection of 10 Bcf. Stocks in the West Region were 132 Bcf below the 5-year average after a net addition of 8 Bcf. At 850 Bcf, total working gas is below the 5-year historical range.

And from FinViz, this week's action: