Dow Corning and REC Silicon Videos and select Presentation slides.
...As part of the North American Photovoltaics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Conference: Bulk Silicon at Intersolar, here is a video of the presentation.
REC does not believe the strong growth of polysilicon availability will result in immediate oversupply because:
- Almost all REC polysilicon capacity is contracted under Prepaid or Take or Pay (TOP) terms, and it will be paid.
- Polysilicon inventories are nonexistent
- Huge underutilized downstream capacity exists
Continuing, Gøran Bye said:
In addition to that, if we do believe in the solar story, and we do believe that cut wafers will be an important part of that in the future, there is a significant additional capacity that is needed by (?) 2020.
If the cut wafer part of the industry continues to grow with about 33-35% per year, there will be a need for 800000 (metric) tons of polysilicon in 2020....MORE