Monday, December 3, 2007


It appears that the Markets Editor at has some added hands at the Energy Roundup.
The posts are longer, have a good beat, easy to dance to, I give 'em a 92.

From the ER:

Delegates at the United Nations climate change conference in Bali are still searching for their name tags, but more than 30 scientists are already calling for less hot air on global warming — and more practical solutions.

In an open letter to Congress and presidential candidates, 36 academics and energy experts — including three Nobel laureates — call on the U.S. government to launch a new “Apollo or Manhattan program” to pump at least $30 billion per year into “innovative new energy technologies and systems.”

The premise is straightforward: Most global efforts to fight climate change hinge on putting a price tag on carbon emissions, through a carbon tax or through cap-and-trade schemes. (That includes the original Kyoto protocol, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Act, and much of the chatter in Bali.) The idea is that higher carbon prices will drive innovation in clean technologies.
But gasoline prices have already risen so much, argues Stanford University’s Ken Caldeira, one of the letter’s authors, that we already have the equivalent of at least a $100 tax on carbon. And other than a nudge toward better mileage for cars, it hasn’t transformed the U.S. economy or unleashed a wave of new innovation....MORE

Another change is the removal of the markets snapshot which used to get all Christmasy (red and green) to the right of the DJ blogs. We've added the WSJ Markets Data Center to our blogroll, on the left.
UPDATE: I highlighted part of the post, and left a comment at the ER re: how little high prices have spurred innovation in Europe.