Monday, September 9, 2024

Svalbard Governor Says Nyet To Russian Prison On The Archipelago

From the Barents Observer, September 6:

Russian Svalbard prison out of question
Governor Lars Fause makes clear it is the Norwegian state that has the monopoly of power to punish. 

“Svalbard is part of Norwegian territory. On the territory, the Norwegian state has a monopoly of power. In short, this means that any intervention against individuals requires authority in law,” says Governor Lars Fause to Dagbladet

It was earlier this week a Russian lawmaker Ivan Sukharev proposed to establish a high-security jail in the Norwegian archipelago. 

The Parliament member said such Arctic prison should exclusively house terrorists. Sukharev has already sent a letter with the proposal to the leader of Russian Federal Penitentiary Service. 

Russian repressive authorities have over the past years radically expanded the interpretation of terrorism and extremism. A big number of anti-war activists, journalists and regime-critics are today in jail across the country, convicted on charges of “terrorism” and “extremism”....


The blue-eyed Arabs have had to push back against other encroachments as well:

"Norway has full supremacy over Svalbard snow crabs, Supreme Court rules"
Long may it reign!