Monday, September 9, 2024

Izabella Kaminska Flags The Draghi Report "Europe’s ‘Reason for Being’ at Risk..."

Well, it was a good run, and the theme park idea might have some legs.

First up, from Ms. Kaminska's eXtwitter feed:

The linked piece is commentary by Izzy.

And the theme park:

The good news is, whether the park emulates Disneyland or Jurassic Park it would shake things up.

And a couple of the stories I was planning to link after the European close. First up, the New York Times, September 9

Europe’s ‘Reason for Being’ at Risk as Competitiveness Wanes, Report Warns
The European Union, facing a shrinking share of the global economy, needs to increase its spending by nearly $900 billion a year, according to a long-awaited report from Mario Draghi.

And, though not directly bearing on the Draghi report, MarketWatch, September 9:

Europe’s heading for a recession as the U.S. consumer buckles, strategist warns