Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Adam Neumann’s startup Flow opens co-living community in Saudi Arabia"

From TechCrunch, September 20:

Flow, Adam Neumann’s co-living startup, opened a compound with 238 apartments in Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, and Forbes has some details. The opening included an Aztec-themed hot chocolate ceremony and tote bags with the words “holy s— I’m alive” on them....


Please come public. Please, please, please.

WeWork took long enough but it was worth it:

 ....It was fun back in 2014 when headlines like WeWork Worth $5Bil., Weally were fresh and new.

And in 2015 it offered an intellectual exercise: How To Convince Investors Your Startup Is Worth $10 Billion: "There has got to be a way to short this"

And  $16 Billion Valuation WeWork Cut Forecasts as CEO Asked Employees to Change ‘Spending Culture’:
"It has been a long cherished dream to figure out a way to bet against this one, links below....

Climateer Investing even took "WeWork: 'Our valuation and size today are much more based on our energy and spirituality than it is on a multiple of revenue.'" at face value:

Roger that, energy and spirituality. Over....

The IPO fake-out, raising-then-dashing hopes but then....then SoftBank tried to finesse a liquidity event but instead just gave us and many others the opportunity we had so patiently waited for. Eventuating in:

"WeWork raises going-concern doubt, shares tank" (WE)
Have I ever mentioned our love affair with WeWork?

So please Mr. Neumann, please.