Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The U.S. Bananapocalypse Is Nigh

No, not the various blights to which the yellow treasure is susceptible but rather to, via Fox Business, Sept. 24:

US grocery stores could be without popular fruit within weeks as 45,000 dockworkers threaten to strike
About two-thirds of bananas arrive in the U.S. at East and Gulf Coast ports

American consumers may soon have to do without some popular fruits, including bananas, when they are grocery shopping, as fruit aisles could be empty and prices may soar if 45,000 dockworkers threatening to strike end up walking off the job.

The International Longshoremen's Association, or ILA, is negotiating on behalf of the 45,000 dockworkers at three dozen U.S. ports that collectively handle about half of the nation's seaborne imports. The group said its members are prepared to stop working if they do not have a new contract by Oct. 1....


So who's a banana republic now huh? Not the U.S.A. No siree.

Previous visits to those who toil on the banana beat:

Don't Laugh: Banana Peels Are A Real Hazard
Also a dandy income stream for the felonious.

"What’s Wrong with Bananas"
How industrial agriculture stole sex from our most important fresh fruit crop.

The Fungus Among Us: Deadly Banana Blight Reaches South America
That first go-round with Race 1 pretty much destroyed the "Big Mike" (okay, Gros Michel, Fat Michael) variety and as the report says, led to the adoption of the Cavendish.
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a replacement for the Cavendish variety at the moment.
We've been tracking this for a decade.

Commodities: "We Have No Bananas"

Freud's Nephew, Bananas and a Coup In Central America