Sunday, August 6, 2023

"China Has Approved More Than 50 Gigawatts Of New Coal Power"

No kidding.

From OilPrice, August 4:

  • China’s coal output increased 9% to 4.5 billion tons last year.
  • China approved more than 50 gigawatts of new coal power in the first half of 2023.
  • The global energy crisis brought by Russia’s war in Ukraine has triggered a coal ‘spring’ in Europe.

Last year, China emerged as the world’s clean energy champ, with the country accounting for $546 billion, or nearly half, of the $1.1 trillion that flowed into the sector as countries everywhere rushed to beef up their energy security. But those mammoth investments will do little to change China’s tag as the planet’s biggest polluter, if the country’s fossil fuel investments are any indication. China approved more than 50 gigawatts of new coal power in the first half of 2023,  environment group Greenpeace has revealed. China is building coal-fired power plants at a record clip as it tries to counter the effects of drought on hydropower production.

"China's government has put energy security and energy transition at odds with one another. Beijing has clearly stated that coal power will still grow at a 'reasonable pace' into 2030," Greenpeace's Gao Yuhe has told Reuters.

China’s coal output increased 9% to 4.5 billion tons last year, more than half the world's total, and is set to continue to rise in the current year as Beijing looks to offset a 22.9% decline in hydropower generation....


Every year there's a new excuse.
As we said in 2021's "Who Is Helping Finance China's Coal Infrastructure Build-Out?":
If you guessed HSBC you may already be a winner.
Or you may be a coal financier with knowledge of the business.
China has no intention of stopping their own coal development or that of their client states in Asia and Africa.* They make lovely, soothing speeches about climate and stuff and build $30 billion dedicated coal hauling railways....

When you see infrastructure like this being built you know the nice words from the Chinese are aimed at the stupid and credulous:

* China Does Not Plan To Stop Burning Coal

Some more from the Covid-time:

"Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined" 

"China has ‘no other choice’ but to rely on coal power for now, official says"

China's Electricity Derived From Thermal (coal, oil, etc) Up 21.1% Q1 2021 vs. Q1 2020

One of our sources said the growth in thermal plant capacity* (not production) in 2020 was 38.4 gigawatts. This is the equivalent of adding a large (1,000 megawatt) coal plant every nine days. Every nine days.
Continuing that trend, coal plant capacity additions just in the first quarter of 2021 were 10,600 megawatts....

See also March 18's "China Energy Stats and Policy

"China's new coal power plant capacity in 2020 more than three times rest of world's"

"China generated 53% of the world’s total coal-fired power in 2020"

 Let's Get This Straight: China Has No Intention Of Giving Up Coal

Something we've been saying for so long I start to bore myself.

It's time to name (can't shame, they have no shame) the enablers of the massive long con China is running.

From the financiers backing Chinese coal to the lobbyists to the useful idiots to the UNocrats and the International Emissions Trading Association, to China's handmaidens in the American media, they are nothing but a bunch of liars and thieves enablers, apologists and grifters. Supergrifters. The time is long past when they deserve any attention at all and frankly, if I had my druthers, they would be dealt with the way the IRA dealt with Supergrasses. Not that we have any love for the IRA.

 China Does Not Plan To Stop Burning Coal

"Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined"

Follow-up: Just How Much Coal Fired Power Is China Currently Planning/Building?"

"China Raises Coal and Gas Output to Records After Prices Surge"
Have I mentioned that China has been lying about their climate goals and decarbonization efforts for 25 years?
Uh huh. 

It wouldn't be worth commenting on except for the fact China burns quite a bit of coal.

....China is not just the largest burner of coal but it burns more coal than the rest of the world combined, and they have burned more coal than the rest of the world combined since at least 2014 and probably longer.....

And many, many more. Just call us your little ray of institutional memory sunshine on this stuff.