Friday, January 13, 2023

"Top secret documents reportedly found in Biden cache"

For the purposes of the powers that be, President Biden has to hang in there until January 20. If he were to leave office prior to that date Vice-President Harris could only fill-in for his remaining term and run for President once, in 2024. Should the transition take place more than half-way into President Biden's term, the Veep can fill out the remainder of his term and run herself in 2024 and 2028.

It gets really interesting if President Harris chooses a V.P. and steps aside herself and/or Michelle Obama, despite her protestations to the contrary, decides to run for Prez (no Veep for her, I'm sure). President (Barack) Obama didn't become the first ex-President to buy a house in D.C. for the:

 "Northern charm and Southern efficiency"
—Senator Warren G. Magnuson, 1945 
And from the BBC, January 13:

Classified files recovered from US President Joe Biden's former private office reportedly include some material marked top secret.

Papers with the highest classification level were among about 10 files at a think tank bearing his name, according to the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Fewer than 10 classified documents were found at one of his Delaware homes, but none were top secret, says CBS.

A leak of top secret information could cause "exceptionally grave damage".

There are three basic levels of US classification: confidential, secret and top secret....