Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"Chinese Researchers Claim To Have Found Antibody 'Cure' For COVID"

Well that's big news!

And coincidentally it is exactly what a couple Chinese gents were talking about in 2005:

....Clausewitz scholar Wu Qiong adds, “Conceptually, to deprive the enemy of the power of resistance is the real aim of war.”3

Compared with wars in the past, war through the command of biotechnology will guarantee the free application and security of our own biotechnology and, ultimately, lead to success through ultramicro, nonlethal, and reversible effects. Biotechnology is likely to bring about profound changes in the military domain and will contribute the utmost to the protection of civilization....

Here's the headline story about the antibodies at ZeroHedge.

And here are Colonel Guo Ji-wei, and Professor Xue-sen Yang in the U.S. Army's Military Review, by way of our little blog last Thursday: 

Colonel Guo Ji-wei, The People's Liberation Army, China, is Director, Department of Medical Affairs, Southwest Hospital, Chongqing, People's Republic of China. Yang Xue-sen, is a biotechnology lecturer and writer. 

China Has Been Thinking About Advanced Bioweapons For A Long Time

Another interesting point in the Chinese paper is what they refer to as "ethnical medicine", which sounds a lot like being able to target fat black ladies in Queens New York while sparing their thinner Asian neighbors; or targeting white folk in in Louisiana (again, a population with higher levels of obesity).

In fact, in places like Arkansas the maps of obesity, diabetes and covid-19 mortality are almost perfect overlays of each other. 

And regarding Queens, way back in April and May (and this one from July) 2020 we were looking at the disparities in the populations of Corona, Queens, New York:

Herd on the Street: "Some New York neighbourhoods may have 68% coronavirus immunity"

We looked at Corona on April 1st:

Corona, Queens Is NYC's Epicenter Of Coronavirus Outbreak

From Patch

The Queens neighborhood of Corona has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in New York City, the epicenter of the nation's outbreak. 
By Kathleen Culliton, Patch Staff

NEW YORK CITY — In an almost unbelievable twist of irony, the most cases of the new coronavirus in New York City have been found in the Queens neighborhood of Corona.....
....Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona.
Mr. Simon grew up a few miles from Corona and Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
He made it across the river to Central Park in 1981:...MORE
 And again on May 9:
...And it is true that Corona's population density is quite high at something like 80,000 per square mile. But it is also true that the comorbidities will get you too. The Hispanic-majority and black population that makes up Corona is more susceptible to obesity and diabetes than the population of the adjoining Asian-majority neighborhood of Flushing (density 54,000 per square mile), see link below*....MORE