Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"Oil prices have tanked so hard traders are assuming planes won't fly for 3 months: Goldman Sachs"

 From Yahoo Finance, December 1:

Oil prices have come down way too fast on Omicron variant concerns, says Goldman Sachs oil strategist Damien Courvalin.

In fact, the price correction is borderline comical, per Courvalin's calculations. 

"The lack of discretionary buying activity in the face of an uncertain new COVID variant has therefore left prices in free-fall and pricing in a dire demand outlook. We estimate based on our pricing model, that the market has now priced in a mammoth c.7 mb/d [millions of barrels per day] negative demand hit over the next three months, with no offsetting OPEC+ response," pointed out Courvalin in a new research note on Wednesday. 

Courvalin added, "To put this into context, this would represent any of these extreme outcomes: (1) not a single plane flying around the world for three months, or (2) half as intense as the 2Q20 global lockdown, or...