Saturday, July 10, 2021

"They Thrive on All-Meat Diet" (Macleans Magazine has dropped the paywall on their archives)

MacLeans Magazine has opened their archives for a short while and, from cover artwork to sociology time-capsules the results of even a quick look are amazing.

Here is the link to 1929's issues with further links to the decades and years 1905 - 2008.

From the September 1, 1929 edition:

Stops Falling Hair, Cures Colds, Improves General Health, Claim Explorers.


VEGETARIANS who believe a carnivorous diet detrimental to health will derive scant comfort from a piece of research described in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The Arctic explorer Stefansson and a former Arctic confrère, Andersen, went on an exclusive meat diet for a year, beginning in February of 1928, and were intensively studied from every clinical angle by scientists under the direction of the noted biologist, Professor Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University. Their reactions, physical and otherwise, to this beef-eating existence are maybe worth consideration.

According to Dr. Clarence W. Lieb of New York, who makes a detailed clinical and laboratory report in the medical journal, the study “indicated that such a dietary had left no physical or clinical stigmas, and that while Stefansson was living on nothing but meat and fish his health was at its maximum.”....

....MORE, including the rest of that issue, dated before the American stock market hit its September 3 top tick and began a thirty-four month, 89% collapse. But all that was in the future.