Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Jack Ma Is Criticized For Endorsing 12-Hour Days, Six Days A Week -- But He's Right About One Thing

From Forbes:
Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Alibaba, has come under fire for his views on the controversial practice known as "996." This number refers to Ma’s belief that everyone in his company should happily work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week. From his earliest days in the late '90s, Ma preached to a small scrappy group of employees that they must emulate the “hard-working spirit of Silicon Valley” to compete against them. “If we go to work at 8 a.m. and go home at 5 p.m., this is not a high-tech company.”

His message is the same today: "I personally think that 996 is a huge blessing," he said. "How do you achieve the success you want without paying extra effort and time?" Ma added that the real 996 is not overtime work. He offered that everyone does have the right to choose. That option may be frowned upon. He chastises those who don’t conform by saying they "won't taste the happiness and rewards of hard work."

The internet had a collective meltdown over Ma’s comments. They feel that his demands are draconian and exploitative. The reaction is not surprising given the recent global trend of anti-capitalism, resentment of billionaires and moves towards socialist policies. Ma’s statement to many is a rebuke to capitalism in that the the CEO and elites will squeeze everything out of the workers for their own financial benefits. Critics contend that the hours, even if not mandatory, push people too hard. There is no time left for family, friends, socializing, raising children, taking care of sick relatives or having any semblance of a well-rounded life.

I’d like to add an unpopular opinion. I contend that Ma’s edict is hyperbolic, similar to the manner in which President Donald Trump and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proclaim their demands. They both start out with huge asks. Trump wants a gazillion dollars for “the wall” and Ocasio-Cortez calls for trillions to pay for her Green New Deal. Both throw out these big demands with the understanding that it will provoke a conversation and there will be negotiating down to a middle ground. Ma similarly intends to push people to give it their all and contemplate everything that they can achieve by putting in the extra time and efforts. The results may be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for many rather than the full 996....MORE
The BBC says sometimes competitor, "Richard Liu, the boss of ecommerce giant" is also onboard:
...Mr Liu said years of rapid economic growth in China had boosted the number of "slackers".

The country has enjoyed economic growth averaging 10% for more than 25 years - from the late 1970s to the mid 2000s - but in subsequent years that has slowed to nearer 6%....