Sunday, April 7, 2019

Accountants: "This Forbes Columnist Thinks You’re All a Bunch of Whiny B*tches"

From Going Concern:
If you read Forbes contributor Peter J. Reilly’s recent post entitled Advice For The Looming Tax Deadline – No Fooling, you easily could have missed the jab at the end toward all you whiny losers complaining about how hard tax season is.
I could waste a lot of characters here describing it, but you know what? Sometimes it’s better to just get to the point.
It is hard to think of a reasonably lucrative endeavour that is easier than being a CPA. The number one source of stress is not workload compression. It is envy. Unless you are in some odd specialty, you know that you will never be as wealthy as your wealthier clients. And then you sometimes see other professionals getting big checks, like the CLUs. And when you think about it how much better are their lives than yours?
Oh shit, shots fired. Y’all are miserable not because you’re worked like dogs but because you’re jealous that you have to work at all. I mean obviously all your clients were just handed large bags of money and didn’t, I dunno, earn that money or anything. Nah. You haters....MORE
For that is how CPA's speak amongst themselves.

Also at Going Concern: 
PwC Embroiled In Massive Office-Wide Theft Scandal
U.K.’s Audit Regulator Wants to Find Out Exactly Why KPMG Is Such a Hot F*cking Mess
PCAOB Fined RSM US $15,000 for Taking Its Sweet-Ass Time to File a Form 3 
Rhode Island Believes In Second Chances, Even for Deloitte
Accountants of Reddit Take Instagrammer to Karma Court Over Meme Theft 
Here’s Another Boring, Totally Predictable Article About How Robots Are Coming For Your Job
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. Wait, no, wrong intro. Uh, as far back as I can remember, the Chicken Littles of accounting have been carrying on about the inevitability of robots taking jobs from honest, red-blooded professionals. You know, like they did at automobile assembly lines, supermarket checkout lanes, and women’s nether regions. Why bother paying a bunch of workers when you can invest in a robot to do their job? Robots don’t complain, they don’t call in sick, they don’t care if you work them too hard, and they don’t say “not tonight, dear, I have a headache.” Really, it’s a wonder we haven’t let them take over yet....